Winter Weather Notice

The National Weather Service Baltimore/Washington DC has issued a winter storm warning in effect from 1 p.m. on Tues., Feb 11, 2025 to 7 a.m. Wed., Feb 12, 2025.

Stay tuned for the latest updates about delayed openings at – and stay warm and safe.

Inova Transplant Center is one of the most active transplant programs in the Northern Virginia and Washington, DC, area. Associated with Inova Fairfax Hospital, recognized as one of the nation's finest hospitals, the center performed the region's first heart transplant as well as the first lung and kidney transplants in Northern Virginia. The center enjoys a well-deserved reputation for innovation and excellence. People from throughout the region come Inova when transplant is their last and only life-saving option.

Contact Us

Each of Inova's individual transplant programs has their own referral coordinator and staff who are happy to talk with you and answer your questions.

Innovative Firsts

Inova Transplant Center is an innovator in transplant care and has offered its community a number of transplant "firsts."

  • 1986 — First heart transplant in the Washington, DC, area
  • 1989 — First autologous bone marrow transplant in Northern Virginia
  • 1991 — First lung transplant in the Washington, DC, area
  • 1992 — First kidney transplant in Northern Virginia
  • 1992 — First kidney-pancreas transplant in Northern Virginia
  • 1992 — First laparoscopic nephrectomy in Northern Virginia
  • 1992 — First liver transplant in Northern Virginia
  • 1992 — First simultaneous heart-kidney transplant in the Washington, DC, area
  • 1995 — First simultaneous kidney-liver transplant in Northern Virginia
  • 1996 — First simultaneous pancreas-liver transplant in Northern Virginia

We combine state-of-the-art technology with a caring concern for people to provide the best in healthcare to the transplant population. We use effective clinical pathways and a dedicated clinical staff to provide a smooth and complete continuum of care from pre- through post-transplantation.

Comprehensive, Compassionate Expertise

Inova Transplant Center at Inova Fairfax Hospital offers a full scope of inpatient and outpatient transplant services for patients who require kidney, pancreas, heart, lung or bone marrow transplantations. Our comprehensive approach to patient care demonstrates our commitment to excellence, patient satisfaction and cost reduction.

Our transplant success is measured by overall graft and patient survival rates, which often exceed the national averages reported by the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients. Inova offers both air and ground transport systems that are equipped to handle acute patient's needs. These are also available for immediate organ retrieval.

Inova Transplant Center Highlights

  • We work collaboratively with referring physicians to manage patients from the initial referral through the extended care of the patient after transplantation
  • Our heart, lung and kidney transplant programs are certified by Medicare
  • We measure clinical quality, appropriateness of care, and effectiveness of treatment using written clinical guidelines and outcome studies
  • We provide cost-effective treatment in the least restrictive clinical environment
  • Transplant team members are available for transplant patients and their families 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • We offer support groups and ongoing education for transplant patients and their families
  • Our case management team works closely with managed care organizations to coordinate patient care
  • We offer, when needed, flexible billing to accommodate patients' financial circumstances