Holiday hours

With the exception of Inova hospitals, Inova Emergency Care and Inova-GoHealth Urgent Care, all Inova outpatient offices will be closed for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday – Monday, Jan. 20.

The Intensive Outpatient Program for Mental Health ("IOP-MH") is a program designed specifically for male and female adolescents (age 13-18) who are experiencing emotional or behavioral problems that are significantly impacting their ability to be successful in the home, school or community.

The IOP adolescent is currently attending school, maintaining a level of safety that does not require constant supervision and is willing to participate in a “talk” group therapy program. Adolescents need to be receiving or scheduled to receive outpatient individual therapy (referrals can be provided). In addition, parents/guardians must be willing to attend and participate in weekly multifamily therapy sessions.

Types of issues experienced by adolescents in the IOP-MH may include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • High Risk Behaviors
  • Problems getting along with friends and/or family members
  • Acting out behaviors – stealing, lying, skipping school, not willing to follow directions
  • Stepping down from a Partial Hospitalization Program
  • Struggling in outpatient individual therapy

The goal of IOP-MH is to help the adolescent and families develop a plan to keep the child and family safe during and following involvement in the program. Through group therapy, psychoeducation, and activities, the multidisciplinary team works with the adolescent to decrease the symptoms or behaviors that have been causing difficulty. Using evidence-based treatment such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) informed interventions, adolescents can learn the necessary skills and insight to manage the emotional and behavioral issues and achieve a healthy level of functioning.


  • IOP-MH is held Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 to 6:30 p.m.
  • Multi-family group is Wednesdays from 5:10 to 6:10 p.m. The typical length of stay is 8 to 10 weeks.

What to expect

Intake assessment

First step to assess adolescent's needs: includes recommendations, referrals, and development of safety plan.

First day

Orientation to program at 2:15 p.m., join group from 3:15 to 6:30 p.m.


  • Psychoeducation and skills groups
  • Group therapy
  • Coordination of treatment with outside providers and schools

One time per week

Multi-family group (parents and teens attend together)

How do you qualify to join?

To schedule an intake assessment, for the purposes of admission to IOP, please contact the intake department at Inova Kellar Center at 703-218-2900.